Merrick initially deceptively says that he will serve him, before stealing Jindrax's sword and lunging at Master Org, only to be lazily stopped by him. Before they can take him to Master Org, the master himself arrives with Nayzor and asks what he wants. Meanwhile, Merrick soon comes across Jindrax and Toxica, who are celebrating that they are once again the only Duke Orgs left, and asks them to take him to Master Org while posing as still being their 'friend.' Toxica is not threatened by him, but Jindrax wonders if he still possesses the power of Zen-Aku. Cole suggests that they all just give him some time. When Danny asks if he would probably at least be their friend, no one seems to have an answer.
When asked how they could possibly convince him to join them, Princess Shayla says that she does not know if they can. Alyssa states that Merrick cannot forgive himself for his actions against them, but Cole points out that it was out of his control and that it was not his fault. Later on the Animarium, the Rangers are bummed about Merrick not joining the team. Merrick initially considers, but pulls back, saying that as he had tried to destroy them, regardless of being possessed, he does not deserve it and storms off. The Rangers happily introduce themselves to him and welcome him to their century, and offer him a place on their team. The Rangers remind him that nothing he had done while under Zen-Aku's influence was his fault and forgive him for his misdeeds. Once he awakens, he instantly steps back from them, feeling remorse for having attacked them and caused them much peril. With the Rangers tied up, Merrick battles on his own, until his Wild Zords return to him and give him the power to morph into the Lunar Wolf Wild Force Ranger.īriefly replaying from the previous episode, the Rangers find Merrick, who has just been freed from the curse of Zen-Aku, unconscious in the grass and bring him around. After a failed attempt to retrieve the stolen Power Animal Crystals, Merrick must fight the Quadra Org, who was created with the power of the crystals.